Monday, July 27, 2009


Just to try it! nananana. Yeah, sorry, I don't kiss girls. Too awkward for me. How's the last 2 days been going? Perfectly fine-ish, but I'll elaborate on it later when I get the computer to myself. Ok, i gotta go.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is There A Huge Red Stain On My Ass?

I'm beginning to feel some joy after today cause The Block had many, many, "people".
Beautiful to be exact, so fuck Bella Terra, the stupidest place ever. Speaking of Bella Terra, so many little kids and their stupid drama. :/

SO YEAH, bye? ;D


So yeah, you were on today and as usual I sat and stared at the "online now". Was it something I did wrong to make you run & hide? I know that you and I are not supposed to work out and shit like that and I don't even want us to like, be a thing, but I wouldn't even mind it at all if you know, you just TALKED TO ME. Telling me "what's up" and crap. But no, not a single word from you. A simple "hello" would be able to brighten my day also, but it's like you would ever do that would you? I fear a lot of things are going wrong and they are. How did they even go wrong though? We started out on the right foot but started going down the wrong path. So tell me, are we even friends? Or are we gonna keep playing the cat & mouse game? Cause I'm down for it. There's so much I'd like to say to you every time I see you, but I can't, and it somewhat pains me to just try and pass by without even glancing at you cause I know you don't even care. Don't stop me in trying to get whatever I want. I will fight my way to get into your heart. You just watch.

Suddenly, I feel that anger that rushing inside me. It's somehow destroying my joy.

but anyway, JUST SMILE.

Diane Ho

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I'm so sleepy even though I woke up nearly an hour ago.
Not much to think about today.

ANYWAY, this is for you JV.

You're a player
Always like the others

Your words of affectionate
No, they just don't do
You don't realize what you do

You crush your girls
Like they're worthless

You don't take time to understand
Time to realize what you've done

You bend the girls
You break your words

You don't mean what you say
So why don't you just dig a hole
Then go die in it player

hahahaha. :D I liked the ending, don't you?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I woke up today with a strange sense of optimism-strangely.
When am I ever optimistic you ask?
I don't know, but at the end of the school year all my teachers
had written, "I enjoyed your sense of optimism and joy you spread
in my classroom," am I proud of myself? As a matter of fact, I am.
So today I hope to see Elmo-HOPE.
I'm tired, but I have an urge to just get out of bed and knock on his

BUT ANYWAY, I don't have much to say.
So, til next time!

Diane Ho

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Welcome Back.

Err, It's been long since I've blogged, and I couldn't be happier.
It's time I let myself out of the nutshell I've been put in.
So guess what? HE came back and as usual, acted as if my existence
was of no concern. So guess what? You can kiss my ass goodbye because
I do not care about you anymore. You are but a mere pest to me who
takes up air supply.

Then there's Elmo, a sweet, handsome, fun-loving guy whom I know
nothing of. Isn't it ironic? I've created an alternate Elmo who obviously,
does not have a realistic personality. Frankly, I can't seem to understand it
myself. Anyway, all I know is he has the sweetest smile that anyone could
ever dream of.


So yeah, that's pretty much all there is to my chain of thought today.
As a matter of fact, I don't even have a chain of thought.
It's just a thought.

Actually no, I'm starving.
That's my thought.

Until we meet again the stars will not shine and the wind will not blow.
Oh how my heart longs for thee.


Translation: I'll be back to blog. ;)