Monday, September 13, 2010

After this long,

I still feel obligated to protect my heart.
Yes, I do have feelings for you.
And yes, they're not minor feelings.
If anything, they're major. I haven't felt this way in a while for someone; It feels kind of refreshing. I guess this would be the wrong timing for these feelings, but I decided to take a risk and I'm willing to follow through with it. You're worth it.
I guess knowing who you are makes me kind of afraid.
Afraid that you will deceive me.
And I cannot afford to get hurt - not right now at least.
So here I go again, shooting down a one-way road with no destination.
I guess it's time I leave my same zone. Who knows?
I might get something good out of this.

ANYWAY, back to him.
Today, he finally spoke of his life to me.
I guess it's good that he's not the type of guy who nags and complains, but he
never really bothers to tell me something in-depth about him.
His baby sister was born today.
I love how family-oriented he is. I know he's lying when he said he doesn't party and he's a good boy, but when I see how he treats his family, it makes me have some faith in him.
But you never know.

I guess I will wrap this up with I really like him and I hope this goes somewhere.

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